Dressage Training & Competition Centre
in Lincolnshire
"Well worth the journey..."
Team Sheepgate strive to support you and your horses with everything you need from training to competition...

Training with Us
The opportunity to develop you and your horses knowledge under the guidance of experts with years of experience and training... Sarah and Lily have invested a lot of time into their training and love helping combinations improve and reach their goals.

Competitions at Sheepgate
We aim to host events providing a friendly atmosphere creating a nice experience for you and your horses whether that's during our British Dressage shows or Unaffiliated events. Welcoming all levels from top class professionals to lower level competitors.
Hear from a VIP Member:
“I initially joined to make use of the free arena hire but have also benefited from the discounts on training/competing & in the shop” -Tanya
Our Facilities
With Sheepgate’s passion being at the heart of dressage, Sarah and Lily understand the importance of good quality arena surfaces and that’s what we provide… At Sheepgate Equestrian, all arenas are well maintained and aim to give your horses a great ride. Not forgetting the LED lighting in the indoor school too which is great during winter!